Mombie #Anti-MLM

Flip The Script


Tired of seeing the same copy and pasted sales pitch? Or what about those annoying hun posts defending MLM and attempting to gaslight and guilt-trip you into feeling bad about not supporting MLM? One fun way you can combat these types of messages while also spreading awareness is to flip the script. Simply take a pro-MLM copypasta and make it anti-MLM. Take a robotic unoriginal sales script and make it funny whether making it MLM, making it about selling something ridiculous, or point by point debunk it. It’s a great way to show how ridiculous these hunbot copypasta really are.

Recently, I saw a script being shared in multiple anti-MLM groups. Seems this copypasta has currently been making the rounds:

Here’s how I flipped the script:


“No MLMs” 🤯. (Multi-level Marketing AKA Direct Sales Companies)
It’s 2022, AND I still don’t see these kinds of statements everywhere. I saw the opportunity for it not too long ago on a mom’s page and it said “You can post your small business” but no “No MLMs”
“I am looking to lose weight” but no “No MLMs”
“I am looking for a moisturizer” but no “No MLMs”
“I am looking for a new lipstick” but no “No MLMs”
“I am looking for a new shampoo” but no “No MLMs”
“I am looking for an opportunity to work from home and make money” but no “No MLMs”
And I think to myself… but why would you want to enable a mom trying to raise her kids from home by supporting the pyramid scheme cult she’s brainwashed into?? 🤔
Or your neighbor, friend, sister, or cousin?
Or a college student trying to juggle school and making extra income why she studies?
Or someone trying not to live paycheck to paycheck?
Because you really think them earning a measly commission on your sale is helping? Because of the overpriced products?
Because if you buy from them they are almost statistically guaranteed to lose money, what’s so great about that?
You didn’t learn your lesson when you, your mom, your sister, and your best friend all lost money in MLM?
I can’t count how many people fail each year at MLM, but I can tell you the loss rates of MLM participants exceed 5 billion dollars each year and their odds of profiting are only around 1 in 3,922. Supporting a scam… that’s not how I roll!!
You think the product is overpriced? You’re right because each level of the pyramid has to take their cut and it’s got to come from somewhere. Retail cost plus commissions mean it far exceeds the markup of comparable products at big box stores.
I see so many opportunities for people to say it and I think WOW, imagine how many people could avoid financial loss and cult manipulation if more people spoke up 💔
Would you really rather support a product-based pyramid scheme where 99.7% of reps lose money or make none at all, over traditional and small businesses where every employee is guaranteed employee protections and earns 100% profit on their time spent?
“The people at the top make more money?” Yeah because they unethically profit from the loss of everyone below them. This is not at all comparable to employee hierarchy where every employee at every level earns 100% profit from genuine retail sales and doesn’t have to pay to work or recruit their own competitors.
SUPPORT genuine small businesses.
ENCOURAGE consumer awareness.
Be KIND. ❤
Regardless of how you feel about MLM’s no other business model is built on those strategies. MLMs are barely legal product-based pyramid schemes with worse loss rates than no-product pyramid schemes and should be equally illegal. MLM strategies only work for a tiny percentage and leave most people worse off than they found them. It has nothing to do with the work you put in when the business model is mathematically unsustainable and fundamentally designed to make most people fail.
Normalize building a better life and supporting others with anti-MLM activism and consumer advocacy so they don’t get scammed too ✌
#antimlm #bethechange
Here are some other great examples:
Anti-MLM activism, and consumer advocacy, don’t have to be boring. Humor, infographics, and memes spread and educate quickly. All of these examples clearly show how silly hunbot copypasta is. They don’t insult the rep, they make light of the absurd behaviors MLMs brainwash reps into regurgitating. It’s a great way to get the general public to take notice of these tactics and look further into MLM issues and the anti-MLM Movement. So go out, have some fun, and flip the script!