Mombie #Anti-MLM

DōTERRA: Health Claims And Harassment


A couple of weeks ago I was sent an image containing login information to a DōTERRA zoom call. This zoom call information was, and continues to be, advertised publically and specifically as being open “to everyone.” The code and password were clearly and publically displayed and were shared by multiple people, in multiple places, across multiple social media platforms. By all intents and purposes, I and anyone else informed of this zoom were well within our rights to attend. That is certainly the meaning of “everyone.” Here are some examples:

During this zoom, the zoom presentation creator clearly and specifically stated there was a PDF of the presentation available for attendees, that she was sharing it for our use, and that this presentation was not branded. She also stated she would share it in the zoom chat multiple times so everyone was able to find it. That willingness to share freely, to allow attendee use of the unbranded PDF is documented here:


This zoom call, put on by DōTERRA reps who are also medical professionals, described a protocol of prevention and treatment of Covid-19. This is a clear violation of the FTC Act. Whether the zoom call had been private, invite-only, password-protected, copyrighted, branded, or (as advertised) publically available to all is irrelevant to the fact the claims made within it are illegal, and therefore, reportable. On top of being against regulatory advertising guidelines within the US, DōTERRA was already warned in 2020 for this exact activity:

Legally speaking, the advertising activity of MLM representatives is a direct representation of the company itself and it is the company’s responsibility to monitor and regulate their representatives’ claims. So when claims that the company’s products can help prevent, treat, or cure an ailment are made, and that claim is not backed up by valid scientific evidence, and those claims are also not regulated by the company, the company can get in trouble. It also puts the representatives themselves at personal legal risk.

Not only are these claims a legal risk to the company and representatives, but more importantly they are a health risk to consumers which is why regulation of false claims is incredibly important. The claims made in this zoom and its accompanying PDF are not backed by science, and no credible sources are given to back up the claims made. Do not be fooled, this zoom is nothing more than DōTERRA reps using their perceived authority as medical professionals to swindle the public into a sale. Suggesting the use of unregulated supplements, essential oils, and Ivermectin for the treatment and prevention of Covid-19 is dangerous, irresponsible, and in direct conflict with the oath, they took as medical professionals, to do no harm.

Once these reps became aware that I shared and criticized their zoom PDF, a PDF they gave me and every other attendee, that was publically available and not branded, they went on the attack. This attack first started with their husbands commenting on my page and sending me direct messages, threatening legal action, and insulting me. Apparently “Bossbabes” and “women empowerment” go right out the window with criticism and fellow women who dare dispute them should only be dealt with by the big scary men-folk. So feminist. Much girl power.

When that harassment did not work, they then began mass reporting my posts. First, my Facebook post was flagged, ironically not for what they likely reported it for, but for misinformation thanks to the contents of the zoom PDF itself. Facebook reinstated the post and recognized their mistake. Next, they reported my Instagram post, which was taken down with no warning or notification and no option for disputing. I then uploaded the images to my stories, so they could remain in my highlights. This prompted them to then report my Facebook post again for copyright infringement which, at this point, is still being reviewed.

What these reps continue to misunderstand is that they are not immune from critique. Even if their unbranded Canva-made presentation was copyrighted, the public is still allowed to use their presentation under Fair Use laws. Every known example of their zoom and PDF being used by the anti-MLM community was unmistakenly used to both educate and criticize, two of the main uses protected with Fair Use law. We as activists and content creators not only have the right to educate on and criticize these claims but we as humans and consumer advocates have a moral duty to warn the public of dangerous, potentially deadly misinformation.

Whether they like it or not, the PDF has made it into the hands of the entire anti-MLM community. It has now been beautifully debunked and criticized by some amazing activists, who have the experience and expertise to speak on the subject, and I highly suggest checking out their videos linked below. Unfortunately for the reps, it has also made it into the hands of consumer advocacy organizations and has been reported to the appropriate regulatory agencies. I implore that you, the reader, also take the time to protect consumers by reporting these blatant false health claims to regulatory agencies. Getting this type of misinformation taken down could undoubtedly save someone’s life.

Any form of activism and advocacy is met with resistance. It should be expected and prepared for, but it should never stop us from speaking out. It should never stop us from fighting for the rights and safety of others. As an individual, you may be scapegoated but there is comfort in knowing you are part of a movement much bigger than oneself. The anti-MLM community is here, and we will never stop educating and fighting against injustices. Exposing this PDF for the harmful and illegal content that it is, may put my social media accounts at risk but if that means I can protect victims of MLM and potentially prevent someone from joining or from finding and believing in misinformation then I happily risk it all.

You can find links to report the following PDF on my How To Report page.

PDF: Presentation-Support-Recommendations-for-C-scenarios-1


Please check out these great videos about the zoom call:



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